
Travel in style! アッパークラスの旅

There is nothing better then arriving home and finding a pretty yellow limousine waiting.


Which one should I ride?


Brake work  ブレーキ

最近、仕事忙しくて、ブログにアップデートしませんでしたが、 少しずつ車に愛を込ていました。Nさんのガレージで、ブレーキのオーバーホールをしました。
I was pretty busy recently at work, so hasn’t been updating this blog for some time.

I was giving some tender love for the car, a complete brake overhaul in a friend’s garage.



富士サンロクミーティング Mt. Fuji 360cc car meeting

10月31日と11月1日にTEAM.356のツーリングに参加し、富士サンロクミーティング に行ってまいりました。富士山の周りに紅葉を楽しみながら走ってすばらしでした。ミーティングに200台を超える360ccの色々旧車を一緒に見られても楽しかったです。

Our club, Team.356 had a touring on October 31 and November 1. Driving around Mt. Fuji was incredible. Part of our drive we have participated at the 360cc car meeting by the Mochiya drive-in by Month Fuji. There were over 200 of 360cc cars from all manufacturers.

夜になっても富士山奇麗ですねー。Mt. Fuji at dawn. Just beautiful...

The way back was a 'bit crowded :(

Like brothers...


New Challenge 新しいチェレンジ

Ready for a new challenge!
This winter my family will travel to India. After a week of sightseeing in Delhi, Agra ( Taj Mahal), Varanasi (Ganges) we will participate the race for the clinically insane, The Rickshaw Challenge Classic Run.
I will not driving a Subaru, but a Bajaj Auto-rickshaw instead. It is like a half Subaru :))
Please have a look of my blog about our challenge below.
Our Rickshaw challenge 2010

Still dreaming 夢続行

Although it has been some time since my last posting, my dream is still alive, and did not give it up:)
But, I have a family and a full time job... I plan two months for the trip, so it is a long time to be away. Next Summer looks good now.

During the past few months we took apart (again) the car and try to make it even better.
I was able to find a transmission and engine that has run only 600km!!!
We build this transmission in to my car. Since the car was sitting for 40 years we have replaced all the bearings, and gaskets. The engine was running very nicely before, therefore I used the old one this time and put aside the 600km one for spare.

