
Anniversary touring

スバル出目金, originally uploaded by subaru360sd.

こんま356の20周年とてんとう虫会の30周年記念に、11月23と24日に、スバル太田工場の見学とツーリングしました。スバル ビジターセンターでディスプレーされた様々な名車の中私の心に一番近いはもちろんK111の小さなてんとう虫です。
Ont the 23rd and 24th of November we had a joint tour to Subaru's Ota factory to celebrate the 20th anniversary of owners' club .356 and 30th anniversary of Tentoumushikai. There are several beautifully restored Subaru at the Visitor Center at the Ota factory, but of course the little ladybug is the closest to my hearth.

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Anonymous said...
